Thursday, May 20, 2010

My Brain May Fail Me, God Never Does

I was missing my brain today. Jim made the comment "you leave thoughts in every room". That's very accurate. I can think of doing something, head in that direction and find myself doing things like, picking up clothes, making the bed, part way, picking up a magazine and reading a page or two. I think of what it was that brought me here in the first place and try and make my way back to Point A. Point A vanished. I decided to share what I found (in brief) on the effects of chemo brain. Last night was a huge evening. I actually read 6 pages,from "Dinner at Miss Lady's" (thank you Chris). I was so proud. Today I actually remember a few words from the reading. For the multi-tasking queen, this has been a major life change. May this be temporary; I so miss reading a good book and writing checks while changing the sheets.

*forgetting things that they usually have no trouble recalling-- memory lapses
trouble concentrating--they can't focus on the task at hand
*trouble remembering details like names, dates, and sometimes larger events
*trouble multi-tasking, like answering the phone while cooking, without losing track of one of them-- less ability to do more than one thing at a time
*taking longer to finish things --slower thinking and processing.
*trouble remembering common words--can't finish a sentence because you can't find the right words
If we are talking and you are confused...don't worry, your are not alone.

love kathryn


Anonymous said...

Just wanted you to know I must have chemo brain too and I'm not even on chemo. Now what can I blame it on? LOL!!!

Love you
cuzzin Linda

Anonymous said...

Life on overload!! love you kathryn

Kay said...

Well. that explains it all. I must have chemo brain also. But hmm do you have to be taking chemo to get chemo brain? you just described my last few years. Are chemo brain and old age related?.

I do love you and sure wish you weren't going thru this.