Saturday, May 22, 2010

Mammogram/Ultrasound...Beam Me Up....

Several have asked about my mammogram/ultrasound tests this past Thursday. All is clear. Clear!!! You never know how much you are holding your breath until they blow the "all clear" whistle. Due to a 20 pound weight loss (this fluctuates) the "lump" I felt is the top of my rib cage and the cartilage around that part of our ribs. I'll take that any day of the week.

Yesterday I had some acupuncture. It's such a relief to lay on that table and let her do her work. I feel so much better. She did a lot yesterday. My hands are still tingling, but feel some better today. She's very gifted and I am very fortunate to have found her and to get to go once a week.

I wrote a friend this morning, I sense a shadow of fatigue following me around this morning. I am more awake today than I was for the past two day. I'll have to pace myself...."have to pace myself...have to". I forget when I feel the least bit better, I cannot spend my energy as I do when I'm well.

Today, the grout is going to be sealed in the kitchen and laundry room. This means a round of floor mopping, but it will be so nice to have our table and accessories back in the kitchen again.

The work undercurrent comes to my mind over and over again. I feel the undercurrent breeze, as I am right now. I do not think of God as an undercurrent - he is God, but I think of his Spirit in that way. He carries me, he sustains me, he holds me up, he sings over me, he enables me to get through rough patches in the day. I'm going to have to think about that some more. No matter what - God's spirit is the great encourager and keeps me singing as I have needles placed into my body. It pours of our me (I sing silently...goodness, wouldn't want to frighten anyone).

love you
Enjoy the weekend!

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