Monday, July 26, 2010

Losing Track of The Rounds...So it's Round 3 in my book

Beautiful, rainy, cloudy day in Abq. Perfect weather! The garden is happy and so I am; a day the Lord put the sun behind a cloud or two. A break from the extreme heat and a break for those water coolers too.
Tomorrow I start a new drug and will meet with Dr. Clark. Questions, questions and he will quietly, but steadily answer all that he is able to answer. There is no guesswork in the world of oncology. No promises, no glib retorts. Welcome to the world of physics and statistics. I have such regard for him...for all of those who work in the world of cancer.
There is not one patient like another...similarities, maybe, but we are all 'fearfully and wonderfully' made as individuals --- with an amazing genetic link to our past.
I read an old poem last night and will include it (partially) today. You are welcome to read it or skip it.
My aunt continues to struggle getting well from major surgery. I thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers for her. When you are 85, it takes a few extra days to get yourself pulled together.
Say to this mountain, "Go, Be cast into the sea";
And doubt not in your heart that it will be to thee.
It will be done, doubt not His Word,
Challenge your mountain in the Lord!
Self, sickness, sorrow, sin,
The Lord did meet that day
On His beloved One,
And you are freed away.
It has been done, rest on His Word,
Challenge your mountain in the Lord.
I will not write the get the point.
See Mark 7-24-30/John 14:13
"He seems to be saying 'all my resources are at your command'. And I will do whatever you ask in my name.
Those are such encouraging words and we need constant reminders we are God's children and he waits for us to ask, command and He is most powerful to deliver.
Enjoy your day.
Thank you again Teresa for the input this morning and thank your dr. All of this will be ok...God is right in the midst of all of this.
love kathryn


Unknown said...

Thinking of you today...

Anonymous said...

All my prayer is that you are well and cancer free. I am thinking of you today. Hydration, hydration, hydration!