Sunday, April 4, 2010

Tomorrow Really Will Be Better!

A wonderful Easter Sunday. Perfect weather -- a rare occasion for Easter Sunday in Abq; really anywhere along the I-40 corridor. It can either be 70 degrees and gorgeous; or snowing with high winds, temps in the teens. All of us along the the "nations main street" are usually prepared; coats, gloves and sleeveless dresses.
Round 2. I know when my nurses say "Chemo is cumulative" they are trying to instill this into our brains. My first treatment was pretty easy; my blood work - very good. This time around, not horrible; just worse than Round 1.
I decided to head the nausea off at the pass on Thursday morning. 10mg of Compazine. Add to that the fatigue that hits after 3 days of chemo --- a crazy person. Riding in the car was like a trip from Alice in Wonderland. Everything was so heightened and too intense. It felt like Jim was jerking the car from side to side - every time he braked, whoa! Riding The Zipper or some other amusement park ride had nothing on me that day.
I had decided to "treat" myself to a haircut AFTER getting unplugged. By the time I arrived, I was so sleepy. She could have done major damage to my hair. Sleepy client/scissors/hairdresser - those who know me well know I've had some pretty bad days with hairdressers. She was kind and fortunately, I didn't fall asleep and drool.
After I got home, I fell into bed and slept the rest of the day away. Such a deep sleep. Friday I was met with nausea and very intense neuropathy. My jaws and my hands - the pins & needles feeling was overwhelming. It was not relegated to just "cold things" was just "on" all of the time.
Friday, I saw a commercial on tv. Someone was making homemade fried chicken. O! that just sounded so good. I asked Jim to go to the grocery for chicken and fresh fruit. I learned you CAN prepare chicken with rubber gloves and tongs. It was never touched by my fingers. It looked so good. I set some aside, as is prescribed by "those who know about food smells and such". I was able to eat 3 small bites. Food smells - very overwhelming. (I did manage to eat a full piece of chicken the next day - I have to say, it was as good as I had hoped it would be).
Saturday - more of the same. It was movie day.
Dear friends stopped by for a few moments Saturday night. It was good to see them and visit for a bit. So thankful for their friendship and the ease with which we can share and visit. Laughter IS the best medicine.
Today, I was able to go to worship. So many wonderful hugs...the "cheering on" - the good wishes and words of encouragement and prayers that are prayed on my/our behalf. Who needs Easter eggs? I got the sweetest gift of all!!
The best part, Molly met us for worship this morning. Kate (8 mos old) was sitting in front of us. After a momentary cry, she fell fast asleep. Molly took two good photos of her -- sound asleep on her mother's shoulder. Precious. When she woke, she was very intrigued by the man sitting to her mother's right. Who could not love that child - that wrinkled nose and smile!!? No one I know. By the close of service, I believe she was calling for her yaw yaw (Grandpa). Sorry, I do not know how to spell "yaw yaw" me out.
To my dear family at Montgomery - thank you for your hugs and your love for me and for my family. You brought tears to my eyes.
Annie & Roman - how wonderful to see you again. Rick and are our family. David and good to worship with you again.
Mom - so glad your weekend ended on such an up "note" : )
To my family and dear friends across this country; many thanks for your ongoing support, prayers, emails and notes. We've all been through difficult times and you know what Love and Prayers mean in your own lives. We pray for you as well.
Because He Lives - We can face tomorrow....He Holds the Future....Because He Lives!
Tonight you may wonder how I am? Feeling good. My green thumbs are is "time to get back to the garden". Now, how to pace myself during gardening season. I'll have to figure that out too.
Much love,

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