Sunday, December 5, 2010

This Resplendent Autumn Day...

I pulled out a dear book from the bookcase yesterday.  A book that still motivates me.  Words written on the everyday'ness' of life.  This particular book is about Jacob and his jaw dropping dysfunctional family - a book that reminds me we are all closer to Jacob and his family than we might care to admit. This mystery of God's vast and wondrous family.  Dysfunctional as we are, God delights in us - we are threads in God's sewing basket.
So, I'll pirate some one's words...
"What makes sense of my journey - the everyday experiences as well as the passages --- is God.  The providence of God means that God oversees me and my life is not a bundle of accidents.  The pursuit of God means that God engages me for a compelling, world-transforming mission.  And the welcome of God means that I know continuously and deeply that God accepts me, approves of me and - most amazing of all - finds pleasure in me. 
Do you recall Jacob and the heavenly ladder? Some have believed we too are climbing "Jacob's ladder" to perfection.  That isn't true.  Jesus came down that ladder to meet us right where we are.  "Come unto me" is spoken by Jesus from the bottom of the ladder. 
I've met Jim at the bottom of the ladder as well as my dad.  What is it about meeting someone as they bounce off that bottom rung?  There is a hug, there is a smile, there is solid ground under their feet, there is forward motion - even if it it means returning to the top of the ladder again.  Perhaps you will think of Jesus being at the bottom of the ladder next time you heft yourself onto the ladder and make your way down.  Jesus will meet you there.  Dirty shoes, rough hands and all. 
"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."  Matt 11:28 The Message
One of my favorites from The Message.
Love and blessings on this Sunday afternoon, kathryn


Anonymous said...

Sometimes, I ask myself what my journey was really all about? Have I done all the right things that God wanted you to do? Have I lived up to the expectations that have been presented before me to the best of my ability? And recently, have I really 'earned' a time of rest in retirement, or is there something else that God has left for me to do? I'm struggling with this. So that is why I enjoy hearing from my "adopted little sister's" perspective. You seem to have been able to accumulate some wisdom about life that I seem to have missed along the way. I know that you probably write your thoughts for yourself, but your thoughts bring about a fresh perspective of thought in my mind also. I'm glad you continue to write in your blog.
I saw your mother last Wednesday night at Early Bird class. She seems to have settled back in as if she never left. She seems happy. Had dinner tonight with Jerald and Verna Lee and some others and thought about you and Jim. I hope to see you soon. I plan to retire from AHA June 10th and hope to make a trip to the Land of Enchantment to see you guys. Till then, "love each other" and know that you are loved here.

Anonymous said...

This is beautiful, Kathryn. I'm just now seeing it, and need to go back and ponder it. For now I've gotta run, but just wanted to touch base. I love you!