Wednesday, December 15, 2010

and further more....

1.  Not getting "real" food - remaining on liquids.
2.  Test is tomorrow. Red tape and we definitely need a technician here to DO the test (this was the tech's day off).  I'm giving my doctor a break.  He's writing for some high tech tests and he doesn't know if someone is here or not.  All he wants - get the tests completed.  I am on his team and he's a great and fully competent coach.
3.  My Coco and Scout will be very sad.  Becky, neighbor who is a one in a million, is in charge of Sophie, Coco and Scout.  All is well, all will be well.
4.  Great nursing care continues and someone is walking by with a well mastered whistle.  Whistle on. 
5.  We're going to have to bundle up here in NM after 60 degree days.   A temp drop of 30 degrees is forecast.  Just a bit on the chilly side.  For normal folks, an evening such as this would require soup, chili, Mexican food, or stew and homemade bread (Whole Foods constitutes homemade) or cornbread, particularly Bill Kolb's cornbread.  Yum, yum!!
Good Night Chet, Good Night David.

love to all again, kathryn

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm just now catching up on your recent posts. Delightful, thoughtful, inspirational -- and more. This is your kind of day. When I heard the rain, I smiled for you :-). More of the abundance of God's grace.

I love you!