Monday, December 20, 2010

Ah, Home!

I am getting my feet under again.  I am moving slow.  Even fell at church yesterday just to make sure I got ample attention.  A trip to the ER for the day.  Brain, chest, neck - all good.  Great ER dr and staff.  They do need a couple of ER dr and nurses to open up and empty space.  Any takers?
Good night from here.  More when my fingers are cooperating again.  Neuropathy has me on a short leash right now.
love you kathryn
The Joy Of The Lord Is My Strength!


Anonymous said...

Kathryn, I am so happy to hear you are back home again! You are constantly in my thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I am so glad the hit to the noggin was not severe!! We really will take those boots off your hands :0). Love you Kathryn!! Merry Christmas,
Love, Nancye