Monday, March 29, 2010

Tuesday - Round Two

I've had 5 really good days in a row. I've cleaned, moved a few things around and have found my Swiffer duster - I am armed and ready for spring in Albuquerque. All I need is a cattle catcher on my car for those, big as Volkswagon, tumbleweeds.
I appreciate and need all of your prayers. It's a long time - committing to prayer for 6 months. With the "wall of prayers" - I feel more than covered in love and petitions!
I will write and let you know how things are going. God willing, I will end up with that "beautiful" blood work again. I pray so.
All of you basketball fans, March Madness has been a ride. We enjoy it when we can catch a game.
A week of remembrance, contemplating and celebrating.
Blessings and as always, abundant thanks!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love you and we continue to pray!
Doug & Terry