Saturday, August 14, 2010

College - Already ? How Can This Be?

Tis the weekend before college around here. Though Molly does not live here; she still has a stack of stuff to pack up and stuff into a very full car. I assume she will quickly learn what she really needs and wonder why she thought she needed so much stuff?!
The empty nest. This nest is not empty. There is a weenie dog, a Norwegian forest cat and next week, Scout The Energizer Dog arrives or Minnie the Muncher. Of course, Jim and I still live in this nest and have become accustomed to the slower pace after Molly left. We will return to our roots - we spent 12 yrs together before Molly came along. Though we're slower than we were pre-Molly - we'll find our way to the next road (I remember seeing pavement somewhere...)
and yes, there have been some soggy days on my's hard to say "so long", it simply goes by too fast.
I started Week 2 on Xeloda today. My hair is still leaving its home of origin. Experiencing some of the hand and foot syndrome. (neuropathy symptoms). I saw a PA who tried to convince me I needed real shoes and socks. It's nearly 100 degrees and I'm not to wear anything that creates friction or puts pressure on my feet. I think I'll stick to sandals and flips flops. Sometimes we have to figure out what works best for us. What with hot flashes making an appearance on a regular basis....having air conditioned feet seems much more sensible and appealing than soggy cotton socks tucked inside squishy shoes.
There are obvious reasons for college: attending classes sometimes in your pajamas, having a lot of fun, eating unhealthy food, and meeting a lot of great people. Learning how to set up your own schedule, make it to breakfast on occasion and being responsible for getting your work completed with out mom and dad breathing down your neck.
While hanging out with friends, drinking overly caffeinated drinks, absorbing brilliant thoughts, checking out the important matter is pending -- doing a personal archaeological dig , discovering who you are, because when you know who you are (and I will add, AND who you belong to) you will know what to do. What arrives next is the beginning of peace in your life Identity is important and knowing where we draw our identity from even more crucial. Ok, back to College Algebra and another Starbucks.
"Trust in God and trust in me." John 14:1 (that is for me and I'm sharing it with you.)
Good evening, love kathryn


Anonymous said...

From one who has not had a hair on his head since 97 or 98 … I say come on over! Of course this is more of a fashion statement for males, but you’ve always walked to the beat of your own drum … so joint those of us who have set aside the multi-billion dollar hair industry and are officially, high speed low drag individuals. Joanne and I celebrated our 27th anniversary Friday the 13th () … she was just getting over some bug and we stayed at home with the kids. We reminisced and laughed over all the places we lived and things we did, but all of the real joy came from those who have shared our duty stations and lives. I can remember it like yesterday walking into the Newport Church of Christ and seeing you launch yourself across the auditorium to free Joanne and I from a couple of “characters” that had us pinned up. First impressions are a lasting impression, both then and many time afterwards have you impressed me with your ability to meet Joanne and I were we were at with just what we needed. As you have so appropriately penned … God is the Master of our needs. He has promised to NOT give us more than we can bear and through Paul suffering had taught us that his grace is sufficient. I guess between those two boundaries is our walk of faith. Thank you for sharing, caring and being there for us all! Love - matthew

Anonymous said...

College - what a joy for Molly to have this opportunity to stretch and grow. It is so hard to let them fly but so necessary. You all have done a great job in preparing the way and now she gets to experience good friendships, memories and hopefully some "book learning." She knows whose she is, you have taught her well. She just needs to grow into that knowledge. God will care for her just has he has walked with you thru this very difficult walk. You all are awesome and I am glad you are inviting additional members into your loving home (sticks and all). May God bless you with a comfortable day!