Tuesday, August 30, 2011

He's Got The Whole World...Mine is Manageable

Beware of DIY sites.  I bought this globe about 2 years ago.  I wasn't sure what to do with it, but I knew something would strike me.  It did.  Paint it with chalkboard paint.  Another place to doodle and steal quotes to pen on the whole wide world.
It's still needs some touch ups, but it's almost completed.  I can see the next projects in my minds' eye.  I'm going to finish this before I move on.  I'm ready to "take on the world".
It is so nice this morning.  I went indoors to begin the purge of the kitchen counters and decided I can do that when it's too warm to be outside.  I'll do some reading and enjoy the pups.
I hope you are doing what you enjoy today.
love kathryn


Anonymous said...

Kathryn and Jim - my prayers are with you both and Molly at this time. Cheryl

Anonymous said...

Love what you did with the globe! What a great idea. (Remember mine and Jeff's "quote wall" at our first house?

As for you cleaning all the counters, despite what I could and should be doing today, found myself going through the pantry (Hey, I forgot I had blue cornmeal!). What to keep and what to toss. Is 7-year-old bag of buckwheat pancake mix still good? What about an 8-year-old never-opened tin of anchovies?

Thinking of and praying for you guys as I pick my way through years of various grains.