Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A Little and Powerful Tuesday Prayer and Thanks

Understanding and compassionate God,
thank you for hearing my prayers,
even when I come with so little faith.
Increase my faith and allow me to surrender to your loving embrace.
                                          - Don Saliers

After years of advocating for Molly, my prayer today is for my mouth to stay still and to only advocate if Jim asks.  This change is challenging for me.  I'm a woman - women like answers.  Immediately.   We want our family to be healthy -  for these are the people we love.  As the last line of St. Michael's prayer says "and keep me out of the way".  (paraphrase).  

Do you know we have the best friends/family in the entire world?  We do.  We stand back in awe of your care and concern...and for making us laugh.  How precious you are.

love you so, kathryn


Anonymous said...


You and Jim are in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you for your inspiring words. I know they must come from a deep and abiding faith. I always come away after reading your blog with a renewed perspective and faith about facing life's adversities. I awake many nights and pray for you and Jim.

A brother in Christ

joyce said...

Kathryn....as a mom I can so identify! Your blog is a great reminder that we can tap into HIS power to shape us into how we can best serve in our role.

love you,