Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Gentle Reminder....So Pay Attention!!!

March is Colorectal Health Month
Blue is the color for colorectal cancer survivors.

If you are experiencing these symptoms:
In its early stage, colorectal cancer usually produces no symptoms. The most likely warning signs include:

Changes in bowel movements, including persistent constipation or diarrhea, a feeling of not being able to empty the bowel completely, an urgency to move the bowels, rectal cramping, or rectal bleeding

Dark patches of blood in or on stool; or long, thin, "pencil stools"

Abdominal discomfort or bloating

Unexplained fatigue, loss of appetite and/or weight loss

Pelvic pain, which occurs at later stages of the disease

Call Your Doctor About Colorectal Cancer If:

You notice a change in your bowel movements, experience bleeding from the rectum, or notice blood in or on your stool. Don't assume you have hemorrhoids; your doctor will most likely perform a rectal examination and possibly a sigmoidoscopy or schedule a colonoscopy -- an examination that involves a long flexible tube inserted in your rectum.

You experience persistent abdominal pain, unusual weight loss, or fatigue. These symptoms may be due to other causes, but they could also be linked to cancer.

You are diagnosed with anemia. In determining its cause, your doctor should check for bleeding from the digestive tract because of colorectal cancer.

Reading this is step one.  Step Two: Contact your doctor and make an appointment.  The time to take action is today!
Call NOW!
  If you have not had a colonoscopy and are either experiencing symptoms or have reached the age of 50, symptoms or not.
Take care of yourself and
get 'er done!
(and to a few of you who are putting off getting a colonoscopy, I know who you are and know where you live and where you attend church.  I've got your number, a car and will deliver and take you home).


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