Sunday, October 17, 2010

Excitement before the Calm

Worth noting:  This week in our readings, two passages have been mentioned:  "Do not fret" and "Be anxious in nothing."  I think of those passages several times during the day.  Apply as needed.  Hourly is a good idea.
After many years of listening to Molly talk about "what she is going to be for Halloween" - there is silence on that front.  Still, as I mentioned earlier, I do love to buy pumpkins and set them around the house and on the front porch.  I believe our present porch looks much better with an entire congregation of pumpkins.  This year, it's a small congregation.  But the congregants are interesting looking. TJs buyers did a great job.
Love the Fairy Tale pumpkin and the nubby gourd like pumpkin. Cool.
There have been some moments this week.  Jim has been through what I'll term the "vertigo flu".  Believe my chemo is creating some good ol' fashion aching joints.  A little Tylenol, some down time, hopefully ease that pain. 
I stuffed my chemo pills in a little skinny pocket on Friday.  I was doing some laundry and putting things away and glanced into the dog bed that sits under a bench in the kitchen.  Coco's face was right next to a chemo pill.  aaaack!! Genius (see bottom of page).  I asked her if she ate the other one.  "if you want me to have eaten it, I did".  I persisted, looking frantically for the other pill.  "Did you eat the other pill?" The face showed a definite "no". Her last fast was "if you wanted me to, I did; if you didn't, then I didn't."  She remained unnaturally calm.
My voice was raising as I was still crawling on the floor, then running down the hall, looking in their regular places they 'stash' their stuff.  Scout, did you eat a pill?  Blank face.  I called the vet - which I should have done the moment I saw the pill.  'Bring them in immediately.'  Talk about a rough moment, they were given a drug to make them lose their breakfast.  No pill.  Perhaps it had already gone into one of their systems.  Infusions, IVs.  oh my word.  I was sent home.  Again, down on my hands and knees.  In the darkest little corner under the cabinets, set that 'other pill'.  STOP, don't do another thing.  I found the pill.  Whew!  My heart did not slow until late in the day.  Lesson learned  No stuffing pills in pockets until I'm hungry.  Eat anything, take pills. Later that same day - a lap and sitting with the safer member of the family  : )

No one appreciates the very special genius of your conversation as the dog does. ~Christopher Morley

love kathryn


Anonymous said...

Merciful days, what a story! I can just see their "blank" faces. I imagine everybody in the house needed a chill pill later! Bless your heart -- what commotion and thank God they didn't get ahold of it. That was a rousing re-start to your blog. Glad you're gonna keep encouraging and regaling us with your stories and insights!


joyce said...

Well! I am glad you decided to back up and come back :) I love to read your blog. I love to read your writings. So happy the crowds are with me and convinced you to stay on.

Wow! What a day you had. Lock up those pills for sure.


Chris Ramey said...

Only you have stories like this and I love reading them. I can just see you scurrying around that floor talking to your dogs and half expecting an answer back from you

Cory Sisk-Sanchez said...

Oh how cute - in the dog-loving crazy people way only dog lovers understand! So glad all of you are pill-safe for now ;-)

Anonymous said...

I have done the same thing. In fact this morning I dropped my Bayer Low Dose 81mg. Good thing Sophie was in the dining room munching away on her DentaStick.

I think we all learned a lesson, huh? Take the meds without the presence of the animals!!!