Sunday, October 3, 2010

A Post It Note of Sorts...

Medical Front or Back:
I took my 1500 mg/day of Xeloda this past week. I am off this week, except for routine blood work to see how things are going. Next week, 3000mg/day. The worst of side effect is still neuropathy. Hands, legs, feet. I must say, it is beyond strange to not be able to feel the bottoms of my feet. I massage them, but the feeling is weird - to say the least. I take medication which helps in terms of pain, but the 'pins & needles' & numbness sensation is always present. (for those of you medical junkies, this is absolute! layman's language).
Next on the agenda. I think I mentioned I have a complex cyst on the right thyroid. I've been through two aspirations, both times, the cysts has returned within hours. First biopsy: benign (thankful!) I see the surgeon tomorrow afternoon. I have been reading about the use of ethanol (via shot) to get rid of recurring cysts. I hope this is THE option. My first thought at reading "ethanol" - I could pull up to the gas pump and say 'fill 'er up'. I will know the game plan by late afternoon.
On a very serious note: The impact of the two well known and skilled balloonists, who were caught in a storm over the Adriatic Sea, widens. Molly received a call from her photography partner (from HSC), her uncle is Richard Abruzzo. She asked for prayers for their family. And the family of Carol Rymer Davis who resides in Colorado Springs.
Time to take a Sunday afternoon nap. Thank you for reading along. I'm very, very blessed. I've done so well on this drug and remain so very thankful. Life is good.
love kathryn

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