One of my co editors wrote today suggesting an "Infomercial". So here it goes.
I met with Dr. Clark on Tuesday. We both had the same questions. So here are the answers to date:
My blook work is "ok" for mid treatment. Another CBC (complete blood count) on Tuesday BEFORE my next treatment. (praying it will be up and ready for Round 3). Neuropathy: it's severe. It's altered my life quite a bit. I wear gloves 85 percent of the time. (hard to go to the restroom with gloves on...but that's another story). Dr. C is adding an infusion of calcium/magnesium to my cocktail. He also ordered a small reduction in the 5-FU to help counter the neuropathy. I will have some, it's just part of the deal here. I'm fine with that. It's an excellent drug for stage III colon cancer. It kills those nasty cancer cells, so I'm all for it. I am also taking an oral drug, Gabapentin, I like to say this drug....for I can actually pronounce it. Very safe drug, however, it will take some time to work as it is supposed to. For now, it's pink earmuffs, yes, indoor and outdoors. My ears are so cold they feel as though they will shatter. I wear gloves, a sweatshirt, tshirt and jeans and always house shoes and socks. When I go out I look much like a homeless person. Coat, heavy scarf, gloves, etc etc. Most strangers are OVERLY kind to me. Smiling broadly, while taking a giant step backward...thinking please don't hurt me : ) I know this look - I've been on Central many times as well as on the streets in Washington DC. They make me smile. My appetite is down some. I eat weird food. As I said I do not tolerate sweets, but love pancakes and french toast. Something that is hard to figure out. And since this is a colon cancer blog and an infomercial, I finally started using the bathroom again (#2) on April 1st. February 4 was my last "normal" bowel movement. We so take for granted these most basic elements in our lives. The chemo drugs are altering that somewhat; I'm adjusting. A side note: Dr. Clark said if things do not resolve or get worse, we would find another drug for my cocktail. I'm not quite ready to jump ship. Oxilaplatin is challenging, I'm no martyr, but I know the specifics and appreciate how it works. For now, we make small changes and believe me (wouldn't someone say that on an infomercial) I am being well cared for. Please pray constantly for Dr. Clark, for his safety and for all that he does for so many. We still have the greatest healthcare system in the world. People come here from all over the world for help. My daughter has been cared for in the most incredible ways. My hat is off to all of the doctors, nurse, technicians and people who do all of the nasty cleanup work! You are amazing people and I thank you! This concludes this Infomercial. Tomorrow, we will return to our episode. I'm in the game and ready to play. This team is going to WIN; I've even got white tennis shoes...that should prove something : )
Love you all!! kathryn

Can't wait for the next episode of "Sunday night and the Dallas premier." What a cool story ... I bet Joanne and I have related it to 100 of other couples. Loved the park picture ... who is the old guy??? You look just like I remember you in 1986 Newport RI ... those smiling eyes ... with a dash of mischief! Miss you both a bunch. We'll add all the Docs and Nurse to out prayers for you Jim and Molly. Love ya - Matthew
I love you blog, I love all your posts, I love you! I can just hear your voice through every word your write! I can feel your stength coming right through every word! Thanks for mentioning Mom as a hero in your battle. That is so true! I pray for Dr. Clark and his wisdom as he cares for you. He is a good man. I pray for you, Jim, and Molly. Tell Molly I love the picture at the park. So good! Lifting you up in much prayer, as you have done for me and my family for many years now. Thanks for letting us join and grow on your journey. Marilyn
Girl, you look as beautiful as the day I met you. The picture of Jim, you and the dog is so wonderfully good. I read your blog and want to see you again. Our hearts were bonded through Renee and I am so thankful for you. My prayers are with you and your family. Love you dearly, Charlinda good to hear from you. Renee and Wilma (my friend her in Abq) sustain and keep me. They are walking with me. I hear their precious voices and laughter. As the old Bruce Hornsby songs says, 'on the streets, in the hollers in the mills, in my mind I see their face...goin' down road...that is exactly what I feel.
I love you! kathryn
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